Source code for jpredapi.api

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function
import re
import os
import tarfile
from collections import OrderedDict

import requests
from retrying import retry

WAIT_INTERVAL = 60000  # 60000 milliseconds = 60 seconds

[docs]def check_rest_version(host="", suffix="version", silent=False): """Check version of JPred REST interface. :param str host: JPred host address. :param str suffix: Host address suffix. :param silent: Should the work be done silently? :type silent: :py:obj:`True` or :py:obj:`False` :return: Version of JPred REST API. :rtype: :py:class:`str` """ version_url = "{}/{}".format(host, suffix) response = requests.get(version_url) version ="VERSION=(v\.[0-9]*.[0-9]*)", response.text).group(1) if not silent: print(version) return version
[docs]def quota(email, host="", suffix="quota", silent=False): """Check how many jobs you have already submitted on a given day (out of 1000 maximum allowed jobs per user per day). :param str email: E-mail address. :param str host: JPred host address. :param str suffix: Host address suffix. :param silent: Should the work be done silently? :type silent: :py:obj:`True` or :py:obj:`False` :return: Response. :rtype: requests.Response """ quota_url = "{}/{}/{}".format(host, suffix, email) response = requests.get(quota_url) if not silent: print(response.text) return response
[docs]def submit(mode, user_format, file=None, seq=None, skipPDB=True, email=None, name=None, silent=False, host=""): """Submit job to JPred REST API. :param str mode: Submission mode, possible values: `single`, `batch`, `msa`. :param str user_format: Submission format, possible values: `raw`, `fasta`, `msf`, `blc`. :param str file: File path to a file with the job input (sequence or msa). :param str seq: Alternatively, amino acid sequence passed as string of single-letter code without spaces, e.g. --seq=ATWFGTHY :param skipPDB: Should the PDB query be skipped? :type skipPDB: :py:obj:`True` or :py:obj:`False` :param str email: For a batch job submission, where to send the results? :param str name: A name for the job. :param silent: Should the work be done silently? :type silent: :py:obj:`True` or :py:obj:`False` :return: Response. :rtype: requests.Response """ rest_format = _resolve_rest_format(mode=mode, user_format=user_format) query = _create_jpred_query(rest_format=rest_format, file=file, seq=seq, skipPDB=skipPDB, email=email, name=name, silent=silent) response ="{}/{}".format(host, "job"), data=query.encode("utf-8"), headers={"Content-type": "text/txt"}) if response.status_code == 202 and "created jred job" in response.text.lower(): if rest_format != "batch": result_url = response.headers['Location'] jobid ="(jp_.*)$", result_url).group(1) if not silent: print("Created JPred job with jobid:", jobid) print("You can check the status of the job using the following URL:", result_url) elif rest_format == "batch": if not silent: print(response.text) else: if not silent: print(response.text, response.reason) return response
[docs]@retry(wait_fixed=WAIT_INTERVAL, stop_max_attempt_number=MAX_ATTEMPTS) def status(jobid, results_dir_path=None, extract=False, silent=False, host="", jpred4=""): """Check status of the submitted job. :param str jobid: Job id. :param str results_dir_path: Directory path where to save results if job is finished. :param extract: Extract (True) or not (False) results into directory. :type extract: :py:obj:`True` or :py:obj:`False` :param silent: Should the work be done silently? :type silent: :py:obj:`True` or :py:obj:`False` :param str host: JPred host address. :param str jpred4: JPred address for results retrieval. :return: Response. :rtype: requests.Response """ if not silent: print("Your job status will be checked with the following parameters:") print("Job id:", jobid) print("Get results:", bool(results_dir_path)) job_url = "{}/{}/{}/{}".format(host, "job", "id", jobid) response = requests.get(job_url) if response.reason == "OK": if not silent: print(response.text) if "finished" in response.text.lower(): if results_dir_path is not None: results_dir_path = os.path.join(results_dir_path, jobid) if not os.path.exists(results_dir_path): os.makedirs(results_dir_path) archive_url = "{}/{}/{}/{}.{}".format(jpred4, "results", jobid, jobid, "tar.gz") archive_path = os.path.join(results_dir_path, "{}.{}".format(jobid, "tar.gz")) archive_response = requests.get(archive_url, stream=True) with open(archive_path, "wb") as outfile: for chunk in archive_response.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): outfile.write(chunk) if extract: tar_archive = tar_archive.extractall(path=results_dir_path) if not silent: print("Saving results to: {}".format(os.path.abspath(results_dir_path))) else: response.raise_for_status() return response
[docs]def get_results(jobid, results_dir_path=None, extract=False, silent=False, host="", jpred4=""): """Download results from JPred server. :param str jobid: Job id. :param str results_dir_path: Directory path where to save results if job is finished. :param extract: Extract (True) or not (False) results into directory. :type extract: :py:obj:`True` or :py:obj:`False` :param silent: Should the work be done silently? :type silent: :py:obj:`True` or :py:obj:`False` :param str host: JPred host address. :param str jpred4: JPred address for results retrieval. :return: Response. :rtype: requests.Response """ if results_dir_path is None: results_dir_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), jobid) return status(jobid=jobid, results_dir_path=results_dir_path, extract=extract, silent=silent, host=host, jpred4=jpred4)
def _resolve_rest_format(mode, user_format): """Resolve format of submission to JPred REST interface based on provided mode and user format. :param str mode: Submission mode, possible values: `single`, `batch`, `msa`. :param str user_format: Submission format, possible values: `raw`, `fasta`, `msf`, `blc`. :return: Format for JPred REST interface. :rtype: :py:class:`str` """ if user_format == "raw" and mode == "single": rest_format = "seq" elif user_format == "fasta" and mode == "single": rest_format = "seq" elif user_format == "fasta" and mode == "msa": rest_format = "fasta" elif user_format == "msf" and mode == "msa": rest_format = "msf" elif user_format == "blc" and mode == "msa": rest_format = "blc" elif user_format == "fasta" and mode == "batch": rest_format = "batch" else: raise ValueError("""Invalid mode/format combination. Valid combinations are: --mode=single --format=raw --mode=single --format=fasta --mode=msa --format=fasta --mode=msa --format=msf --mode=msa --format=blc --mode=batch --format=fasta""") return rest_format def _create_jpred_query(rest_format, file=None, seq=None, skipPDB=True, email=None, name=None, silent=False): """Create query string to be submitted to JPred server. :param str rest_format: Format for JPred REST interface. :param str file: File path to a file with the job input (sequence or msa). :param str seq: Alternatively, amino acid sequence passed as string of single-letter code without spaces, e.g. --seq=ATWFGTHY :param skipPDB: Should the PDB query be skipped? :type skipPDB: :py:obj:`True` or :py:obj:`False` :param str email: For a batch job submission, where to send the results? :param str name: A name for the job. :param silent: Should the work be done silently? :type silent: :py:obj:`True` or :py:obj:`False` :return: Query string. :rtype: :py:class:`str` """ if file is None and seq is None: raise ValueError("""Neither input sequence nor input file are defined. Please provide either --file or --seq parameters.""") elif file and seq: raise ValueError("""Both input sequence and input file are defined. Please choose --file or --seq parameter.""") if file is not None: with open(file, "r") as infile: sequence_query = elif seq is not None: sequence_query = ">query\n{}".format(seq) else: sequence_query = "" if skipPDB: skipPDB = "on" else: skipPDB = "off" if rest_format == "batch" and email is None: raise ValueError("""When submitting batch job email is obligatory. You will receive detailed report, list of links and a link to archive to all results via email.""") if not silent: print("Your job will be submitted with the following parameters:") print("format:", rest_format) print("skipPDB:", skipPDB) if file is not None: print("file:", file) elif seq is not None: print("seq:", seq) if email is not None: print("email:", email) if name is not None: print("name:", name) parameters_dict = OrderedDict([("skipPDB", skipPDB), ("format", rest_format), ("email", email), ("name", name)]) parameters_list = ["{}={}".format(k, v) for k, v in parameters_dict.items() if v] parameters_list.append(sequence_query) query = u"£€£€".join(parameters_list) return query